3. 'Trifling is the sin that consists in) losing riches by dice; this is a greater sin that corrupts the mind against Sugatas.
(659) 4. Out of the one hundred thousand Nirabbudas (he goes) to thirty-six, and to five Abbudas; because he blames an Ariya he goes to hell, having employed his speech and mind badly.
(660) 5. 'He who speaks falsely goes to hell, or he who having done something says, “I have not done it;" both these after death become equal, in another world (they are both) men guilty of a mean deed.
(661) 6. “He who offends an offenceless man, a pure man, free from sin, such a fool the evil (deed) reverts against, like fine dust thrown against the wind 2.
(662) 7. 'He who is given to the quality of covetousness, such a one censures others in his speech, (being himself) unbelieving, stingy, wanting in affability, niggardly, given to backbiting. (663)
8. 'O thou foul-mouthed, false, ignoble, blasting, wicked, evil-doing, low, sinful, base-born man, do not be garrulous in this world, (else) thou wilt be an inhabitant of hell 3.
(664) 9. 'Thou spreadest pollution to the misfortune (of others), thou revilest the just, committing sin (yourself), and having done many evil deeds thou wilt go to the pool (of hell) for a long time. (665)
1 Comp. Dhp. v. 306.
* Comp. Dhp. v. 125. 8 Mukhadugga vibhàta-m-anariya
Bhûnahu * pâpaka dukkatakâri Purisanta kalî avagâta
Mâ bahubhâni dha nerayiko si. * Bhûnahu bhâtihanaka vuddhinâsaka. Commentator.
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