27. ‘And I do not call one a Brâhmana on account of his birth or of his origin from (a particular) mother; he may be called bhovadi, and he may be wealthy, (but) the one who is possessed of nothing and seizes upon nothing, him I call a Brâhmana?
(620) 28. Whosoever, after cutting all bonds, does not tremble, has shaken off (all) ties and is liberated, him I call a Brâhmana.
(621) 29. The man who, after cutting the strap (i. e. enmity), the thong (i.e. attachment), and the rope (i.e. scepticism) with all that pertains to it, has destroyed (all) obstacles (i.e. ignorance), the enlightened (buddha), him I call a Brâhmana. (622)
30. ‘Whosoever, being innocent, endures reproach, blows, and bonds, the man who is strong in (his) endurance and has for his army this strength, him I call a Brâhmana.
1 (623) 31. ‘The man who is free from anger, endowed with (holy) works, virtuous, without desire, subdued, and wearing the last body, him I call a Brâhmana
1 (624) 32. 'The man who, like water on a lotus leaf, or a mustard seed on the point of a needle, does not cling to sensual pleasures, him I call a Brâhmana. (625)
33. “The man who knows in this world the destruction of his pain, who has laid aside (his) burden, and is liberated, him I call a Brâhmana. (626)
34. "The man who has a profound understanding, who is wise, who knows the true way and the wrong way, who has attained the highest good, him I call a Brâhmana.
1 Comp. Dhp. v. 396, &c.
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