9. Who is thy general, (who is thy) disciple, (who is) the successor of the master, who is to turn after thee the wheel of religion turned (by thee) ?'
(556) 10. “The wheel turned by me, O Sela,'--so said Bhagavat,—the incomparable wheel of religion, Sâriputta is to turn after (me), he taking after Tathagata.
(557) II. What is to be known is known (by me), what is to be cultivated is cultivated (by me), what is to be left is left by me, therefore I am a Buddha, O Brâhmana.
(558) 12. Subdue thy doubt about me, have faith (in me), O Brâhmana, difficult (to obtain) is the sight of Buddhas repeatedly.
(559) 13. Of those whose manifestation is difficult for you (to obtain) in the world repeatedly, I am, O Brâhmana, a perfectly enlightened, an incomparable physician,
. (560) 14. "Most eminent, matchless, a crusher of Mâra's army; having subjected all enemies I rejoice secure on every side.'
(561) 15. Sela: O venerable ones, pay attention to this: as the clearly-seeing (Buddha) says, (so it is): he is a physician, a great hero, and roars like a lion in the forest.
1 (562) 16. Who, having seen him, the most eminent, the matchless, the crusher of Mâra's army, is not appeased, even if he be of black origin (kanhâbhigâtika).
(563) 17. He who likes me, let him follow after (me), he who does not like me, let him go away; I shall at once take the orders in the presence of him of excellent understanding (i.e. Buddha).' (564)
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