the middle, who wanders with understanding, who has put an end to deceit, arrogance, cupidity and anger, name and form, him they call a Paribbâgaka (a wandering mendicant) who has attained the (highest) gain.'
(537) Then Sabhiya, the Paribbâgaka, having approved of and rejoiced at the words of Bhagavat, glad, rejoicing, delighted, highly elated, having risen from his seat, and having put his upper robe upon one shoulder, bending his joined hands towards Bhagavat, praised Bhagavat face to face in appropriate stanzas :
29. 'Having conquered the three and sixty (philosophical) views referring to the disputations of the Samanas, thou hast crossed over the darkness of the stream? (?)
(538) 30. “Thou hast passed to the end of and beyond pain, thou art a saint, perfectly enlightened, I consider thee one that has destroyed his passions, thou art glorious, thoughtful, of great understanding, O thou who puts an end to pain, thou hast carried me across. (539)
31. Because thou sawest my longing, and carriedst me across my doubt, adoration be to thee, O Muni, who hast attained the (highest) gain in the ways of wisdom; O thou who art a true kinsman of the Adikkas, thou art compassionate. (540)
32. 'The doubt I had before thou hast cleared away for me, O thou clearly-seeing ; surely thou art a Muni, perfectly enlightened, there is no obstacle for thee.
1 Yani ka tîni yâni ka satthi
Samanappavadasitâni bhûripañña Saññakkhara saññanissitâni (?) Osaranâni vineyya oghatam' agå.
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