23. “He who offers the threefold blessing of oblation,' O Mâgha,—so said Bhagavat,—' such a one will prosper with those worthy of offerings; so, having offered properly, he who is suitable to beg of attains Brahmaloka, so I say.'
(509) This having been said, Mâgha the young man spoke as follows to Bhagavat: 'Excellent, O venerable Gotama! Excellent, O venerable Gotama! As one raises what has been overthrown, or reveals what has been hidden, or tells the way to him who has gone astray, or holds out an oil lamp in the dark that those who have eyes may see the objects, even so by the venerable Gotama in manifold ways the Dhamma has been illustrated; I take refuge in the venerable . Gotama and in the Dhamma and in the Assembly of
Bhikkhus. Let the venerable Gotama accept me as an upâsaka (a follower, me), who henceforth: for all my life have taken refuge (in him).'
Mâghasutta is ended.
6. SA BHIYASUTTA.. Sabhiya, the Paribbâgaka, goes to the six famous teachers of his
time to have his questions answered, but not having his doubts solved, he repairs to Gotama and asks him how one is to behave. to become a Brâhmana, a Samana, a Nahâtaka, a Khettagina, a Kusala, a Pandita, a Muni, a Vedagû, an Anuvidita, a Dhîra, an Âgâniya, a Sottiya, an Ariya, a Karanavat, a : Paribbâgaka. Bhagavat answers his questions, and Sabhiya finally receives the robe and the orders from Buddha. So it was heard by me:
At one time Bhagavat dwelt at Râgagaha, in. Veluvana, in Kalandakanivâpa. And at that time questions were recited to Sabhiya, the Paribbâgaka
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