SUNDARIKABHÂRADVÂGASUTTA. 79 exists, O Brâhmana, this is the practice (of the Buddhas).
(480) 28. With other food and drink must thou serve one that is perfect, a great Isi, whose passions are destroyed, and whose misbehaviour has ceased, for this is a field for one who looks for good works 1.' (481)
29. Sundarikabhâradväga: "Good, O Bhagavat, then I should like to know, who will enjoy a gift from one like me, and whom I shall seek at the time of sacrifice (as one worthy of offerings) after having accepted thy doctrine.'
(482) 30. Bhagavat: 'Whosoever has no quarrels, whose mind is untroubled, and who has freed himself from lusts, whose sloth is driven away,
(483) 31. 'Whosoever conquers his sins, knows birth and death, the Muni who is endowed with wisdom, such a one who has resorted to offering, (484)
32. 'Him you should worship and honour with food and drink; so the gifts will prosper.' (485)
33. Sundarikabhâradvága : • Thou Buddha deservest the oblation, (thou art) the best field for good works, the object of offering to all the world; what is given to thee will bear great fruit.' (486)
Then the Brâhmana Sundarikabhâradvậga said this to Bhagavat: 'It is excellent, O venerable Gotama! It is excellent, Ovenerable Gotama! As one raises what has been overthrown, or reveals what has been hidden, or tells the way to him who has gone astray, or holds out an oil lamp in the dark that those who have eyes may see the objects, even so by the venerable Gotama in manifold ways the Dhamma has been illustrated; I take refuge in
1 Comp. Kasibhâradvâgasutta, v. 7. * Moneyyasampannam=paññasampannam. Commentator.
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