Vessa; having thoroughly observed the class of common people, I wander about the world reflectingly, possessing nothing.
(454) 2. 'Dressed in a sanghâti' and houseless I wander about, with my hair cut off, calm, not intermixing with people in this world. Thou askest me an unseasonable question about (my) family, O Brâhmana!'
(455) 3. Sundarikabhâradväga : Sir, Brahmanas together with Brâhmanas ask truly, Art thou a Brâhmana ?'
Bhagavat: "If thou sayest, I am a Brâhmana, and callest me no Brâhmana, then I ask thee about the Sâvitti that consists of three padas and twentyfour syllables ?
(456) 4. Sundarikabhâradväga : 'For what (reason) did the Isis, men, Khattiyas, Brâhmanas make offerings to the gods abundantly in this world ?'
Bhagavat: 'He who, perfect and accomplished at the time of offering, obtains the ear of one or the other (god), he will succeed, so I say. (457)
5. 'Surely his offering will bear fruit,'—so said the Brahmana, - because we saw such an accomplished man; for by not seeing such as you, somebody else will enjoy the oblation.'
(458) 6. Bhagavat: “Therefore, O Brâhmana, as you have come here to ask for something, ask; perhaps thou mightest here find one that is calm, without anger, free from pain, free from desire, one with a good understanding.'
1 See Rhys Davids, Buddhism, p. 166.
9 Tam Sâvittim pukkhâmi Tipadam katuvîsatakkharam.
(Rig-veda III, 62, 10.)
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