grounded (in the Self) and looking away (from all earthly objects), he is the same.' Likewise the motion of the outer Self is inferred from the motion of the inner Self. For thus it is said :
"He who within the sun is the golden person, who looks upon this earth from his golden place, he is the same who, after entering the inner lotus of the heart?, devours food (perceives sensuous objects, &c.)'
2. And he who having entered the inner lotus of the heart, devours food, the same, having gone to the sky as the fire of the sun, called Time, and being invisible, devours all beings as his food.
What is that lotus and of what is it made ? (the Valakhilyas ask 2)
That lotus is the same as the ether; the four quarters, and the four intermediate points are its leaves :
These two, Breath and the Sun, move on near to each other (in the heart and in the ether). Let him worship these two, with the syllable Om, with the Vyâhriti words (bhůh, bhuvah, svar), and with the Savitri hymn.
3. There are two forms of Brahman4, the material (effect) and the immaterial (cause). The material is false, the immaterial is true. That which is true is Brahman, that which is Brahman is light, and that which is light is the Sun. And this Sun became the Self of that Om.
1 M. reads sa esho ’ntah pushkare hritpushkare vâsrito.
The commentator ascribes the dialogue still to the Vâlakhilyas and Pragâpati Kratu. 3 M. reads dalasamsthâ âsur vâgnih parata etaih prânâdityâv età.
See Brih. Up. II, 3, 1.
Professor Cowell, after giving the various readings of his MSS., says, 'the true reading would seem to be yat satyam tad brahma,
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