23. “The crow hovered round the rock that looked like (a lump of) fat: “Do we here find something soft, is it something sweet ?”.
(446) 24. Having obtained nothing sweet there, the crow went away from that spot. Thus like the crow approaching the rock, being disgusted, we shall go away from Gotama?
(447) 25. While overcome with sorrow the string of his lute slipped down; then that evil-minded Yakkha disappeared there.
(448) Padhânasutta is ended.
On well-spoken language. So it was heard by me:
At one time Bhagavat dwelt at Sâvatthi in Getavana. Bhagavat said this: 'O Bhikkhus, the speech that is provided with four requisites is well-spoken, not ill-spoken, both faultless and blameless to the wise.'
Which four ?'
O Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhu speaks well-spoken (language), not ill-spoken; he speaks what is right (dhamma), not what is unrighteous (adhamma); he speaks what is pleasing, not what is unpleasing; he speaks what is true, not what is false. O Bhikkhus, the speech that is provided with these four requisites, is well-spoken, not ill-spoken, both faultless
1 Kâko va selam âsagga*
Nibbiggâpema Gotamam t. * Cb Câvagga, Ba assagga, B' Assagga. + Instead of Gotamam I read Gotama.
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