Vangîsa desires to know the fate of Nigrodhakappa, whether he
has been completely extinguished, or whether he is still with some elements of existence left behind. He is answered by Buddha. So it was heard by me:
At one time Bhagavat dwelt at Ålavi, in the temple of Aggâlava. At that time the teacher of the venerable Vangisa, the Thera, by name Nigrodhakappa, had attained bliss not long before (akiraparinibbuta). Then this reflection occurred to the venerable Vangisa, while retired and meditating:
Whether my teacher be blessed (parinibbuta) or whether he be not blessed. Then the venerable Vangisa, at the evening time, coming forth from his retirement went to Bhagavat, and having gone to him he sat down apart after saluting him, and sitting down apart the venerable Vangisa said this to Bhagavat:
*Lord, while retired and meditating, this reflection occurred to me here: Whether my teacher be blessed or whether he be not blessed.'
Then the venerable Vangisa, rising from his seat, throwing his robe over one shoulder and bending his joined hands towards Bhagavat, addressed him in stanzas:
1. We ask the Master of excellent understanding: he who in this world had cut off doubt, died at Aggâlava, a Bhikkhu, well known, famous, and of a calm mind.
. (342) 2. 'The name “ Nigrodhakappa” was given to that Brâhmana by thee, O Bhagavat; he wandered
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