7. Those who delight in the Dhamma, proclaimed by the venerable ones, are unsurpassed in speech, mind and work, they are established in peace, tenderness and meditation, and have gone to the essence of learning and understanding.
(329) Kimsilasutta is ended.
Advice not to be lukewarm and slothful. 1. Rise, sit up, what is the use of your sleeping ; to those who are sick, pierced by the arrow (of pain), and suffering, what sleep is there?
(330) 2. Rise, sit up, learn steadfastly for the sake of peace, let not the king of death, knowing you to be indolent (pamatta), befool you and lead you into his power.
(331) 3. Conquer this desire which gods and men stand wishing for and are dependent upon, let not the (right) moment pass by you; for those who have let the (right) moment pass, will grieve when they have been consigned to hell.
(332) 4. Indolence (pamâda) is defilement, continued indolence is defilement; by earnestness (appamâda) and knowledge let one pull out his arrow. (333)
Utthanasutta is ended.
11. RÂHULASUTTA. Buddha recommends the life of a recluse to Râhula, and admonishes him to turn his mind away from the world and to be moderate.
1. Bhagavat said: “Dost thou not despise the wise man, from living with him constantly? Is he
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