will not be able to support his own belongings. But he who follows the man who is possessed of such knowledge, and who with his permission wishes to support those whom he has to support, he indeed will be able to support his own belongings.
19. He was called Ayâsya Angirasa, for he is the sap (rasa) of the limbs (anga). Verily, breath is the sap of the limbs. Yes, breath is the sap of the limbs. Therefore from whatever limb breath goes away, that limb withers, for breath verily is the sap of the limbs.
20. He (breath) is also Brihaspati, for speech is Brihati (Rig-veda), and he is her lord; therefore he is Brihaspati.
21. He (breath) is also Brahmanaspati, for speech is Brahman (Yagur-veda), and he is her lord; therefore he is Brahmanaspati.
He (breath) is also Sâman (the Udgitha), for speech, is Sâman (Sâma-veda), and that is both speech (sâ) and breath (ama)? This is why Sâman is called Sâman.
22. Or because he is equal (sama) to a grub, equal to a gnat, equal to an elephant, equal to these three worlds, nay, equal to this universe, therefore he is Sâman. He who thus knows this Sâman, obtains union and oneness with Saman.
23. He (breath) is Udgitha 2. Breath verily is Ut, for by breath this universe is upheld (uttabdha); and speech is Gîthâ, song. And because he is ut and githâ, therefore he (breath) is Udgitha.
Cf. Khând. Up. V, 2, 6.
Not used here in the sense of song or hymn, but as an act of worship connected with the Sâman. Comm.
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