fices out of them, and when the sacrifice came on, they did not kill cows. . 13. Like unto a mother, a father, a brother, and other relatives the cows are our best friends, in which medicines are produced.
(295) 14. They give food, and they give strength, they likewise give (a good) complexion and happiness ; knowing the real state of this, they did not kill cows.
(296) 15. They were grâceful, large, handsome, renowned, Brâhmanas by nature, zealous for their several works; as long as they lived in the world, this race prospered. .
(297) 16. But there was a change in them: after gradually seeing the king's prosperity and adorned women,
(298) 17. Well-made chariots drawn by noble horses, carpets in variegated colours, palaces and houses, divided into compartments and measured out, (299)
18. The great human wealth, attended with a number of cows, and combined with a flock of beautiful women, the Brâhmanas became covetous. (300)
19. They then, in this matter, having composed hymns, went to Okkâka, and said: 'Thou hast much wealth and corn,sacrifice thy great property, sacrifice thy great wealth.'
(301) 20. And then the king, the lord of chariots, instructed by the Brâhmanas, brought about assamedha, purisamedha, sammâpâsa, and vâkâpeyya without any hinderance, and having offered these sacrifices he gave the Brâhmanas wealth : (302)
21. Cows, beds, garments, and adorned women, and well-made chariots, drawn by noble horses, carpets in variegated colours,
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