he is indeed a friend that cannot be severed (from him) by others.
(254) 4. He who hopes for fruit, cultivates the energy that produces joy and the pleasure that brings praise, (while) carrying the human yoke?
(255) 5. Having tasted the sweetness of seclusion and tranquillity one becomes free from fear and free from sin, drinking in the sweetness of the Dhamma? (256)
Hirisutta is ended.
4. MAHÂMANGÁLASUTTA. Buddha defines the highest blessing to a deity.—Text by Grimblot
in Journal Asiatique, t. xviii (1871), p. 229, and by Childers in Kh. Pâtha, p. 4; translation by Gogerly in the Ceylon Friend, 1839, p. 208; by Childers in Kh. Pâiha, p. 4; and by L. Feer in Journal Asiatique, t. xviii (1871), p. 296. So it was heard by me:
At one time Bhagavat dwelt at Sâvatthi, in Getavana, in the park of Anathapindika. Then, when the night had gone, a deity of beautiful appearance, having illuminated the whole Getavana, approached Bhagavat, and having approached and saluted him, he stood apart, and standing apart that deity addressed Bhagavat in a stanza :
1. Many gods and men have devised blessings, longing for happiness, tell thou (me) the highest blessing.
(257) 2. Buddha said : ‘Not cultivating (the society of)
1 Påmuggakaranam thanam
Pasamsâvahanam sukham Phalanisamso* bhâveti
Vahanto porisam dhuram.
2 Comp. Dhp. V. 205. * Phalam patikankhamâno phalânisamso. Commentator.
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