found) in the Dhamma, by this truth may there be salvation.
(225) 6. The eight persons that are praised by the righteous, and make these four pairs, they are worthy of offerings, (being) Sugata's disciples; what is given to these will bear great fruit. This excellent jewel (is found) in the Assembly (sangha), by this truth may there be salvation. (226)
7. Those who have applied themselves studiously with a firm mind and free from desire to the commandments of Gotama, have obtained the highest
gain, having merged into immortality, and enjoying · happiness after getting it for nothing. This excel
lent jewel (is found) in the Assembly, by this truth may there be salvation.
. (227) 8. As a post in the front of a city gate is firm in the earth and cannot be shaken by the four winds, like that I declare the righteous man to be who, having penetrated the noble truths, sees (them clearly). This excellent jewel (is found) in the Assembly, by this truth may there be salvation.
(228) 9. Those who understand the noble truths well taught by the profoundly wise (i.e. Buddha), though they be greatly distracted, will not (have to) take the eighth birth. This excellent jewel (is found) in the Assembly, by this truth may there be salvation. (229)
10. On his (attaining the) bliss of (the right) view three things (dhammas) are left behind (by him) : conceit and doubt and whatever he has got of virtue and (holy) works. He is released also from the four hells, and he is incapable of committing the six
1 The Commentator: satam pasatthâ ti sappurisehi buddha· pakkekabuddhasâvakehi aññehi ka devamanussehi pasatthâ.
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