47. Ba. II, 5, 4; 6,36; 10, 14;
II-15; III, 9, 19, 21; 10, 12. Rishi, persons descended from the
same Rishi inherit, Ga.XXVII1,21. Rites procuring success, Ba. IV, 5-8. Roads near fields and houses, Va. xv,
11-12. Romaka, vol. xiv, p. XXV, p. 94.
Punishment, king's duty of, Ga. XII,
45-52. Va. xix, 40-48. Ba.
II, 1, 17. See Pardon. of sin after death, Ap. II, 2, 5-7;
11, II. Ga. XI, 30. Va. xx,
43-44; XXI,II. Pupil, inherits, Ap. II, 14, 3. Va.
XVII, 82. Ba. I, II, 13. See
Student, Teacher. Purâna, vol. ii, p. xxviii. Ap. I, 19,
13; 28,7; II, 22, 24; 23, 3. Ga. VIII, 6; x, 19. Va. XXVII, 6.
Ba. II, 10, 14; IV, 3, 4. Purification of persons, Ap. I, 15, 1
16, 15. Ga. I, 28, 35-44; II, 2; XIV, 30. Va. III, 26-43, 58-60; IV, 37; VI, 14-19. Ba. I, 8, 131; 9,5; 10, 11-20, 34; 11, 36;
15, 4, 6. - of things, Ap. I, 17, 8-13; II, 3,
9. Ga. I, 29-34. Va. III, 4457, 59, 61-63; XIV, 23-24, 26. Ba. I, 8, 32-53; 9, 1-4, 7-13;
10, 1-9; 13, 11-14, 19. Purificatory texts, Ap.1, 2, 2, &c. Ga.
XIX, 12; Va. XXII, 9; XXVIII,
10-15. Ba. III, 10, 10; IV, 4, 8. Purohita. See Domestic priest. Pushkarasâdi, vol. ii, p. xxvi. Ap. 1,
19, 7; 28, 1. Râgputânâ, vol. ii, p. xxxji. Rakshasa marriage, Ap. II, 12, 2.
Ga. IV, 12. Ba. I, 20, 8, 12.
See Kshatra marriage. Râmaka caste, vol. xiv, p. xxv. Va.
XVIII, 4. Rânâyanîya school, vol. ii, pp. xlvi,
xlviii. Rathakâra (carpenter) caste, vol.
xiv, p. xxxviii. Ba. I, 3, 9 ; 17,
I, 6. Re-united coparcener, Ga. XXVIII,
28. Va. XVI, 16. Rewards after death, Ap. II, 2, 3-4;
11, 10. Ga. XI, 29. Rig-veda, vol. ii, p. xxiv ; vol. xiv, pp.
xi-xii, xiv, xl. Ga. XVI, 21. Va. XIII, 30. Ba. II, 10, 14; IV, 3,
3; 5, 29. Rigvedins, vol. xiv, pp. xiii-xv. Rishi, vol. ii, pp. xvii, xxxvii. Ap. I,
5, 4-5; 13, 1; II, 23, 4-5; 24, 13-14. Ga. III, 29; IV, 3; XVIII, 6; IX, 14. Va. IV, 65; XI, 48; XII, 51; XXII, 12; XXIII,
Sacraments, enumeration of, Ga.
VIII, 14-21. Sacred fire, duty of kindling, Ga. v,
7-9. Va. VIII, 3; XI, 45. Ba.
I, 5, 6; II, 4, 22. - rule for kindling, Ap. II, 1, 13. - extinguishing or neglecting, Ap.
I, 18, 32. Ga. XXII, 34. Va. 1,
18; XXI, 27. Sacred learning, goddess of, Va. II,
8-12. Sacrificer and his wife, Ba. I, 13, 5;
15, 10, 17, 21, 26. Sacrifices, great daily, Ap. I, 12, 15.
Ga. V, 3-5. Ba. II, 11, 1-8. - srauta, Ap. II, 10, 1; Ga. v, 21;
VIII, 19-20; IX, 54; XVIII, 2427. Va. XI, 45-48. Ba. I, 13
15; II, 4, 23. Sacrificial fee (present), Ap. II, 9, 9.
Ga. xxv, 6. Va. xv, 16. Ba. 1,
20, 4; III, 4, 3; 7, 14; 8, 13. Sacrificial thread (string), Ap. I, 31,
8; II, 4, 22. Ga. I, 36. Va.
XII, 14. Ba. I, 5, 5; 8, 5-10. Sages. See Rishis. Sagotra relation, Ap. II, II, 15; 27,
2. Ga. XVIII, 6. Va. VIII, 1. - inherits, Ga. XXVIII, 21. - penance for marrying, Ba. II, I,
37-38. Sakulya relation, Ba. I, 11, 10, 12. Sale of children, forbidden, Ap. II,
13, 11-12. - permitted, Va. xv, 2. Ba. Par.
VII, 4, 3. See Daughter, Son
bought. Saluting, Ap. I, 5, 12-23; 14, 7-30.
Ga. II, 30-34; V, 41-42; VI. Va. XIII, 41-46. Ba. 1, 3, 25-33,
44-45; 11, 6, 38. Samânapravara relation, Ga. iv, 2;
XVIII, 1. Va. VIII, I. Sâmans, vol. ii, p. xlvii ; vol. xiv,
pp. xvii, xxxix. Ap. 1, 10, 17-18. Ga. xvi, 21. Va. XIII, 30. Ba. I, 21, 5.
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