Livelihood, various means of, Ba. III,
1-3. See Occupations.
Kshatriya caste, special rules for ini-
tiation, studentship, saluting, &c., Ap. I, 1, 5, 18, 21; 2, 34, 38, 40; 3, 1, 5, 9, 29; 5, 16; 14, 23, 27. Ga. I, 11, 13, 15-17, 23, 26; V, 41; XIV, 2. Va. III, 27, 32; XI, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 67, 69. Ba. I, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17;
8, 23. - murder of, Ap. I, 24, 1-9. Ga.
XXII, 14. Va. XX, 31, 34, 38.
Ba. I, 18, 10-19, 1; II, 1, 8. punishments of, Ga. XII, 8-9, 14,
16. Va. XXI, 3. Ba. I, 18, 19. Kshattri caste, Ga. IV, 18. Ba. 1, 16,
8; 17, 1, 7, 10-11. Kukkutaka caste, Ba. I, 16, 8, 12;
17, 1, 14. Kunika, vol. ii, p. xxvi. Ap. I, 19,7. Kushmânda penance, rule of, Ba.
III, 6. Kutsa, vol. ii, p. xxvi. Ap. I, 19, 7. Kaitri rite, Ga. III, 18. Kakrakara beggars, Ba. III, 1, 1, 5. Kandala (Kandala) caste, Ap. 1, 9, 15,
17; II, 6, 8-9; 9, 5-6. Ga. IV, 17-18, 38; XIV, 30; xv, 24; XVI, 19. Va. XI, 9; XIII, 11; XVIII, 1; XXIV, 33-34, 4. Ba. I, 9, 5, 7; 16, 8, 17, 1, 7; II, 4,
13-14. Kândrayana penance, Ga. XIX, 20,
Va. XXI, 13; XXII, 16; XXIII, 16; XXVII, 20. Ba. II, 3, 49; 4, 12;
III, 10, 18. - description of, Ga. XXVII; Va.
XXIV, 45-47; XXVII, 21. Ba.
III, 8; IV, 5, 17-21. Karanavydha, vol. ii, pp. xv, xxx
xxxi, xlvii. Kâturmâsya-kânda quoted, Va. I, 37. - sacrifice, Ap. 1, 10, 1. Ga. VIII,
19. Va. XI, 46. Ba. II, 4, 23. Kaula rite, Ga. VIII, 14. Kolas, vol. ii, pp. XXXV-Xxxvi.
Mâdhava-Sâyana, vol. xiv, p. xlii. Madhuparka. See Honey-mixture. Madhyandina-sâkbâ, vol. ii, pp. xxv,
xxxix. Madman, excluded from inherit
ance, Ap. II, 14, 1. Va. XVII,
54; XIX, 35-36. Magadha country, Ba. I, 2, 13. Magadha caste, Ga. IV, 17-18. Ba.
16, 8; 17, 1, 7. Magic rites and incantations, Ap. 1,
26,7; 29, 15. Ga. XI, 17; XXV,
7. Ba. II, 2, 16. Mahâbhârata, vol. xiv, p. xli. Mahadeva, commentator, vol.ii, p.xvi. Mahâgagñu, Ba. III, 9, 21. Mahâpâtaka crimes, Ga. XXI, 1-10;
XXVI, 23. Va. I, 19-22; XX,
13-47. Mahârnava, vol. ii, pp. xxxi-xxxii. Mahâsâmtapana penance, Ba. IV, 5,
16. Mahayagña. See Sacrifices great. Mâhishya caste, Ga. IV, 20. Maintenance, Ap. I, 28, 9; II, 26, 22.
Ga. XXI, 15; XXVIII, 43. Va. XVII, 54; XIX, 30–36. Ba. II, 1,
37; 3, 37, 42. Maitrâyanîya school, vol. ii, p. xxxii;
vol. xiv, pp. xvi, xxi. Mânava school, vol. ii, pp. ix-xi,
xxxii; vol. xiv, p. xviii. - sútra, vol. ii, pp. ix, lvii ; vol. xiv,
P. xviii. Va. IV, 5-8. Manes, libations to. See Tarpana. - oblations to. See Sraddha. Manu, vol. ii, p. lvii; vol. xiv, pp.
xvii-xx. - quoted, Ga. XXI, 7. Va. 1, 17; III,
2; XI, 23; XIII, 16; XIX, 37. - referred to, Ap. II, 14, 11; 16, 1.
Ga. XXIII, 28. Va. XII, 16; XXIII, 43. Ba. II, 3, 2; IV, 1,
13; 2, 15.. Mânusha marriage, Va. 1, 35. See
Asura marriage. Marâtba Brâhmans, vol. ii, pp. xxxi
xxxii. Marriage, expenses of, Ap. II, 1o, I.
Ga. V, 21; XVIII, 24-28. Ba.
II, 5, 19. - forbidden degrees and impedi
ments, Ap. II, II, 15-16. Ga.
Land, dispute about, Va. XVI, 13. Law, sources of the, Ap. 1, 1, 1-2;
20,7-8; II, 15, 1; 29,13-15. Ga. 1, 1-4; VI, 22 ; XI, 20; XXVIII,
48-52. Va. I, 1-18. Ba. 1, 1-2. - institutes of. See Dharmasastra. Lending money. See Usury. Limitation, law of, Ga. XXI, 37-39.
Va. XVI, 16-18.
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