Gifts, penance for accepting, Ap. 1,
28, 11. Ga. XXIV, 2. Ba. II, 5, 8;
IV, 2, 4. Girdle, sacred, Ap.1, 2, 33-37. Ga. I,
15. Va. XI, 58-60. Ba. 1, 3, 13. Godâna rite, Ga. II, 9. Godavari river, vol. ii, p. xxxi. Gods, images of, Ap. I, 30, 20, 22.
Ga. IX, 12. Gosava sacrifice, Va. XXII, 7. Ba.
II, 1, 4. Govindasvamin, vol. ii, p. xlix; vol.
xiv, p. xin Grammar, a Vedânga, Ap. II, 8, 11.
- study of, Va. x, 20. Guests, Ap. I, 15, 1; II, 4, 1, 11; II,
4, II, 13-20; 6,5-9, 4. Ga. V, 25-45. Va. VIII, 4-5, 11-15.
Ba. II, 5, 11-18; 6, 36-37. Gugarât, vol. ii, p. xxxii. Guru (venerable person), Ap. I, 2,
29; 6, 29, 31, 33; 8, 14-15; 10, 2; 14, 6, 15-17; 15,1; 21, 9; II, 15, 8. Ga. II, 14, 37; V, 21; VI, 3; IX, 64; XVII, 4; XX, 2, 6. Va. XIII, 24; XIV, 13; XVII, 56; XX, 1, 9-10. Ba. II, 2, 13;
4, 9; 5, 19. - slaying a, Ap. I, 24, 24-25. - adultery with wife of, Ap. I, 25,
1-2, 10; 28, 15-18. Ga. XXI, 1, 8; XXIII, 8-12; XXIV, 10-12. Va. I, 20; XX, 13-14; XXVI, 7-8.
Ba. I, 18, 18; II, 1, 13-15; 4, 15. - other offences against, Ga. XXI,
10; XXIII, 30-31. Va. I, 23; XXI, 28. See Teacher, Parents.
Herdsman, law affecting, Ap. II, 28,
3-9. Ga. XI, 21; XII, 20. Hermit, Ap. I, 18, 31; II, 9, 13; 21,
1. Ga. III, 2. Ba. II, II, I2;
13,7; 17, 6; III, 1, 8; IV, 5, 27. - classes of, Ba. III, 3, 9-15. - duties of, Ap. II, 21, 18; 23, 2.
Ga. III, 26-35. Va. VI, 19-20; ix. Ba. II, 11, 14-15; III, 3,
18-4, 22. - penance for, Va. XXI, 33. Himalaya, Va. 1, 8-9. Ba. I, 2, 9. Hiranyakesin, vol. ii, pp. xiii, xvi,
xxiii-xxiv; vol. xiv, p. xxxvi. Ba..
II, IO, 14. Homicide, Ap. I, 21, 8; 29, 3-3 ; II,
27, 16-17. See Murder. Honey-mixture, Ap. II, 8, 5-9. Ga.
V, 27-30. Va. XI, 1-2. Ba. II,
6, 36-37. Horse-sacrifice, Ap. I, 34, 32. Ga.
XIX, 9; XXIII, 9. Va. XI, 78; XXII, 6. Ba. II, 1, 4-5; III,
10, 7. Hotri priest, seat of, Ba. I, 15, 24. House, dispute about, Va. XVI, 12
13. Householder, duties of, Ap. II, 1, 1
13, 23; 20, 10-20. Ga. IV-V. Va. VI, 19-20; VIII; XI. Ba.
II, 4, 22-5, 9; 13, 7-9. Husband and wife, rights of, Ap. II,
14, 16-18; 27, 1-7; 29, 3-4. Ga. VI, 6; XVIII, 1-3. Va. V, 1-2 ; XXI, 9-10; XXVIII, 7. Ba.
II, 3, 44-47; 4, 6. See Wife. Idiot, excluded from inheritance,
Ga. XXVIII, 43. Ba. II, 3, 38. - son of, inherits, Ga. XXVIII, 44. Impure substances, penances for
swallowing, Ga. XXIII, 3: Va.
XX, 20. Ba. II, 2, 36; IV, 6, 7. -- for touching, Va. XXIII, 24
- 25. Impurity through births and deaths,
Ap. 1, 15, 18; II, 15, 3-8, 2026. Ga. xiv. Va. IV, 16-37. Ba. I, 11, 1-8, 17-23, 27-32.
See Purification. Incest, Ap. I, 21, 8. Ga. XXI, 1-8;
XXIII, 12. Va. XX, 15. Ba. II,
2, 13; 4, 11-12. Indivisible property, Ga. XXVIII,
46-48. Infants, Ap. II, 15, 20-26. Ga. II,
Gaiminiya school, vol. ii, p. xlix. Ganaka, vol. ii, p. xxxviii; p. 131.
Ba. II, 3, 34. Gâtakarman, Ga. VIII, 14. Gyeshthasaman, he who knows, Ap.
II, 17, 22. Ga. xv, 28. Va. III, 19. Ba. II, 14, 2.
Hara Ba. 114; Vit; 1., , 31
Hair, arrangement of, Ap. 1, 2, 31
32. Ga. I, 27; III, II-12, 24. Va. II, 21; VII, II, IX, 1; X, 6.
Ba. II, 11, 15, 18. Haradatta, vol. ii, pp. xliji-xliv, lvii. Harihara king, vol. ii, p. xxxiii. Hârita, vol. ii, p. xxvi ; vol. xiv, p. xx. - quoted, Ap. 1, 13, 10; 18, 2; 19,
12; 28, 1, 6; 29, 12, 16, Va.. II, 6. Ba. II, 2, 21.
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