IV, 1.
22. Seated with Kusa grass in his hands, let him repeatedly suppress his breath, and again and again recite purificatory texts, the Vyâhritis, the syllable Om, and the daily portion of the Veda.
23. Always intent on the practice of Yoga, let him again and again suppress his breath. (Thus) he performs the highest austerity up to the ends of his hair and up to the ends of his nails.
24. Through the obstruction (of the respiration) air is generated, through air fire is produced, then through heat water is formed; hence he is internally purified by (those) three.
25. Through the practice of Yoga (true) knowledge is obtained, Yoga is the sum of the sacred law, all good qualities are gained through Yoga ; therefore let him always be absorbed in the practice of Yoga.
26. The Vedas likewise begin with the syllable Om, and they end with the syllable Om. The syllable Om and the Vyâhritis are the eternal, everlasting Brahman.
27. For him who is constantly engaged in (reciting) the syllable Om, the seven Vyâhritis, and the three-footed Gayatri, no danger exists anywhere.
28. If, restraining his breath, he thrice recites the Gayatri together with the syllable Om and with the (text called) Siras, that is called one suppression of breath.
29. But sixteen suppressions of breath, accom
either its end must have been samnidhau nopagakkhati (as in Sūtra 17), or that a whole half-verse has been lost.
22-24. Vasishtha XXV, 4-6. 25. Vasishtha XXV, 8. 26. Vasishtha XXV, 10.
27. Vasishtha XXV, 9. 28. Vasishtha XXV, 13.
29. Vasishtha XXVI, 4.
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