III, 7.
PRASNA III, Adhyâya 7. 1. 'Let him who considers himself impure offer (burnt oblations), reciting the Kushmândas.'
2. 'He who has had forbidden intercourse, or has committed a crime against nature, becomes even like a thief, even like the slayer of a learned Brâhmana.'
3. 'He is freed from any sin which is less than the crime of slaying a learned Brahmana.' • 4. If, after wasting his strength except in his
sleep, he desires to become free from the stain and holy,
5. He causes the hair of his head, his beard, the hair on his body, and his nails to be cut on the day of the new moon or of the full moon, and takes upon himself a vow according to the rule prescribed for students,
6. (To be kept) during a year, or a month, or twenty-four days, or twelve nights, or six or three nights.
7. Let him not eat meat, nor approach a woman, not sit on (a couch or seat, and) beware of (speaking an) untruth.
8. To subsist on milk (alone is) the most excellent mode of living; or, using barley-gruel (as his food), he may perform a Krikkhra (penance) of twelve days, or he may (maintain himself by) begging.
7. 1-3. Taittirîya Aranyaka II, 8, 1-3. 6. Taitt. Aranyaka II, 8, 5-6. 7. Taitt. Âranyaka II, 8, 7.
8. Taitt. Aranyaka II, 8, 8. As the next Sätra shows, these rules refer to Brâhmanas. Regarding the Krikkhra, see below, IV, 57.
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