which the world is afflicted ? Asked about salvation, tell (me) how one is released from pain ?' (169)
19. Bhagavat said: 'Five pleasures of sense are said to be in the world, with (the pleasure of) the mind as the sixth ; having divested oneself of desire for these, one is thus released from pain. (170)
20. “This salvation of the world has been told to you truly, this I tell you: thus one is released from pain.'
(171) 21. Hemavata said: 'Who in this world crosses the stream (of existence) ? who in this world crosses the sea ? who does not sink into the deep, where there is no footing and no support ?' (172)
22. Bhagavat said: 'He who is always endowed with virtue, possessed of understanding, well composed, reflecting within himself, and thoughtful, crosses the stream that is difficult to cross. (173)
23. 'He who is disgusted with sensual pleasures, who has overcome all bonds and destroyed joy, such a one does not sink into the deep.
24. Hemavata said: "He who is endowed with a profound understanding, seeing what is subtile, possessing nothing, not clinging to sensual pleasures, behold him who is in every respect liberated, the great Isi, walking in the divine path. (175)
25. He who has got a great name, sees what is subtile, imparts understanding, and does not cling to the abode of sensual pleasures, behold him, the allknowing, the wise, the great Isi, walking in the noble path.
(176) 26. ‘A good sight indeed (has met) us to-day, a good daybreak, a beautiful rising, (for) we have seen the perfectly enlightened (sambuddham), who has crossed the stream, and is free from passion. (177)
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