II, 3, 6.
17. Let him not announce it to another (man if) a cow suckles (her calf).
18. Let him not say of (a cow which is) not a milch-cow, 'She is not a milch-cow.'
19. If he speaks (of such a one), let him say, 'It is one which will become a milch-cow.'
20. Let him not make empty, ill-sounding, or harsh speeches.
21. Let him not go alone on a journey,
22. Nor with outcasts, nor with a woman, nor with a Súdra.
23. Let him not set out (on a journey) towards evening.
24. Let him not bathe (entirely) naked. 25. Let him not bathe at night. 26. Let him not cross a river swimming. 27. Let him not look down into a well. 28. Let him not look down into a pit.
29. Let him not sit down there, where another person may order him to rise.
30. Way must be made for a Brâhmana, a cow, a king, a blind man, an aged man, one who is suffering under a burden, a pregnant woman, and a weak man.
31. A righteous man shall seek to dwell in a village where fuel, water, fodder, sacred fuel, Kusa grass, and garlands are plentiful, access to which is
17. Vishnu LXXI, 62.
18-19. Gautama IX, 19. 20. Manu IV, 177; Vishnu LXXI, 57, 72, 74. 21-23. Manu IV, 140.
24. Gautama IX, 61. 26. Vasishtha XII, 45.
29. E. g. in the palace of a king, whence the attendants may drive him. 30. Vasishtha XIII, 58.
31. Gautama IX, 65. R 2
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