venerable Gotama! As one, O venerable Gotama, raises what has been overthrown, or reveals what has been hidden, or tells the way to him who has gone astray, or holds out an oil lamp in the dark that those who have eyes may see the objects, even so by the venerable Gotama in manifold ways the Dhamma has been illustrated; I take refuge in the venerable Gotama and in the Dhamma and in the Assembly of Bhikkhus. Let the venerable Gotama accept me as an upâsaka (a follower, me) who henceforth for all my life have taken refuge (in him).'
Vasalasutta is ended.
8. METTASUTTA. A peaceful mind and goodwill towards all beings are praised.—Text
by Grimblot in Journal Asiatique, t. xviii (1871), p. 250, and by Childers in Khuddaka Pâtha, p. 15; translation (?) by Gogerly in the Ceylon Friend, 1839, p. 211, by Childers in Kh. Pâtha and by L. Feer in Journal Asiatique, t. xviii (1871),!p. 328.
1. Whatever is to be done by one who is skilful in seeking (what is good, having attained that tranquil state (of Nibbâna):—Let him be able and upright and conscientious and of soft speech, gentle, not proud,
(142) 2. And contented and easily supported and having few cares, unburdened and with his senses calmed and wise, not arrogant, without (showing) greediness (when going his round) in families.
(143) 3. And let him not do anything mean for which others who are wise might reprove (him); may all beings be happy and secure, may they be happyminded.
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