II, 2, 3.
18. Such a (son begotten on a wife) has two fathers and belongs to two families; he has a right to perform the funeral oblations, and to inherit the property of (his) two (fathers).
19. Now they quote also the following verse): • The son of two fathers shall give the funeral cakes (to his two fathers, and pronounce) two names with each oblation, and three cakes shall serve for six persons; he who acts thus will not err.'
20. He is called) an adopted son (datta) who, being given by his father and his mother, or by either. of the two, is received in the place of a child.
21. He is called) a son made (kritrima) whom (a man) himself makes (his son), with the (adoptee's) consent (only), and who belongs to the same caste (as the adopter).
22. He is called a son born secretly (gadhaga) who is secretly born in the house and whose (origin is) afterwards (only) recognised.
23. He is called a son cast off (apaviddha) who, being cast off by his father and his mother, or by either (of them), is received in the place of a child.
24. If anybody approaches an unmarried girl without the permission (of her father or guardian), the son born by such (a woman is called) the son of an unmarried damsel (kânina).
18. Colebrooke Dig., loc. cit. 20. Vasishtha XVII, 28. · 21. Colebrooke V, Dig. CCLXXXIV; Gautama XXVIII, 32. 22. Vasishtha XVII, 24.
23. Vishnu XV, 24-25. 24. Colebrooke V, Dig. CCLXI; Vasishtha XVII, 21-23. It must be understood that the father must belong to the same caste as the girl.
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