I, 10, 18.
7. Let (the king) choose a domestic priest (who shall be) foremost in all (transactions).
8. Let him act according to his instructions. 9. Let him not turn back in battle.
10. Let him not strike with barbed or poisoned (weapons).
11. Let him not fight with those who are in fear, intoxicated, insane or out of their minds, (nor with those) who have lost their armour, (nor with) women, infants, aged men, and Brâhmanas,
12. Excepting assassins (atatâyin).
13. Now they quote also (the following verse): "He who slays an assassin, able to teach (the Veda) and born in a (noble) family, does not (incur) by that (act the guilt of) the murderer of a learned Brâhmana ; (in) that (case) fury recoils upon fury.'
14. The duty on goods imported by sea is, after deducting a choice article, ten Panas in the hundred.
15. Let him also lay just (duties) on other (marketable goods) according to their intrinsic value without oppressing (the traders).
7. Vasishtha XIX, 3-6. Govinda explains sarvatodhuram, 'foremost in all,' by sarvagñam, omniscient.'
8. Vasishtha I, 40-41. The rule, of course, refers primarily to advice in spiritual matters. 9. Gautama X, 16.
10. Manu VII, 90. 11. Gautama X, 18. The meaning is that such persons shall not be slain in battle.
12-13. Vasishtha III, 18.
14. I take this to mean that the king may take one article which particularly pleases him out of each consignment, and impose on the rest an ad valorem duty of ten per cent. Regarding the tribute in kind to be paid to Indian kings by foreign merchants, see Periplus maris Erythraei, par. 49.
15. Vishnu III, 29-30. Govinda interprets anupahatya, 'without
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