I, 8, 16.
organ, wretched (my) eye-sight; the sun is the chief of the (heavenly) lights; O Dikshâ, do not forsake
PRASNA I, ADHYÂYA 8, KANDIKÂ 16. 1. There are four castes (varna, viz.) Brâhmanas, | Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras.
2. (Males) belonging to them (may take) wives according to the order of the castes, (viz.) a Brâhmana four,
3. A Kshatriya three, 4. A Vaisya two, 5. A Sudra one.
6. Sons begotten on (wives) of equal or of the , next lower castes (are called) Savarnas (of equal caste).
7. (Those born) of (wives) of the second or third 1 lower castes (become) Ambashthas, Ugras, and Nishâdas.
8. Of females wedded in the inverse order of the castes (are born) Âyogavas, Mâgadhas, Vainas, Kshattris, Pulkasas, Kukkutakas, Vaidehakas, and Kandâlas.
9. An Ambashtha (begets) on a female of the first (caste) a Svapâka,
10. An Ugra on a female of the second (caste) a Vaina,
II. A Nishâda on a female of the third (caste) a Pulkasa.
16. 1. Vasishtha II, 1.
2-5. Vasishtha I, 24-25. 6. Gautama IV, 16.
7. Vasishtha XVIII, 8. 8-12. Vasishtha XVIII, 1-6; Gautama IV, 17-21. In the I. O. copy of the commentary there is a break, which extends from Sutra 8 to the beginning of Adhyâya 1o.
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