1, 7, 15.
4. Let him wash that which has been touched with (his) foot.
5. Let him touch water, in case he touches his body or the hem (of his garment).
6. Likewise (let him touch water) after cutting, splitting, digging or removing (anything, or offering oblations) to the manes, to the Râkshasas, to Nirriti, to Rudra, (and after performing sacrifices) intended as spells (against enemies).
7. Let him not turn round himself a sacrificial implement (the use of) which is accompanied by the recitation of mantras.
8. (For) the sacrificial implements (are) more 'nearly (connected with the sacrifice),
9. The priests, more remotely.
10. The sacrificer and his wife are even nearer than the priests.
II. After the sacrificial implements (follows) the clarified butter, after the clarified butter the sacrificial viands, after the sacrificial viands the animal to be slain, after the animal the Soma, after the Soma the sacred fires.
5. Govinda explains sik, 'the hem of the garment,' by the garment wrapped round the loins (parihitam vâsah).
7. The meaning is that the priest must hold the sacrificial implements, such as the sruk and sruva ladles, between himself and the fires, and not place himself between them and the fires (âtmano bahir na kůryât agner antarah svayam na bhaved iti yâvat).
8. 'He gives the reason for that (rule), “For the sacrificial implements (are) nearer" than the priests, that must be understood.'-Govinda.
10. For they obtain the reward of the sacrifice. The instances (referring) to those two are the Vaisarganas and the Dâkshinas.'Govinda.
11. Kâtyâyana Srauta Sätra I, 8, 31. "If the space on the
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