1, 5, 12.
8. (And the following) fishes, (viz.) the Siluru Pelorius (Sahasradamshtrin), the Kilikima, the Varmi, the Brihakkhiras, the Masakari(?), the Cyprinus Rohita, and the Ragi.
9. The milk of a (female animal) whose offspring is not ten days old, and of one that gives milk while big with a young one, must not be drunk,
10. Nor that of a (cow) that has no calf or that (suckles) a strange calf.
11. (The milk) of sheep, camels, and one-hoofed animals must not be drunk.
12. If (he has) drunk (milk) which ought not to be drunk, excepting cow's milk, (he must perform) a Krikkhra (penance).
13. But if (he has drunk) cow's milk (that is unfit for use, he shall) fast during three (days and) nights.
14. Stale (food must not be eaten or drunk) excepting pot-herbs, broths, meat, clarified butter, cooked grain, molasses, sour milk, and barley-meal,
15. Nor (substances) which have turned sour, nor molasses which have come into that state.
16. After performing the ceremony preparatory
it appears that peacocks, now considered inviolable, were actually eaten in the third century A. D.
8. Vasishtha XIV, 41-42. The names are much corrupted in the MSS., and for Masakari, which I do not find in the dictionaries, Samasakari or Samasakari is also read. The Brihakkhiras is probably the Indian salmon, the Mâhsir.
9-10. Vasishtha XIV, 34-35; Gautama XVII, 22. The meaning of sandhini, a female animal that gives milk while big with young,' is uncertain. See also Vishnu LI, 40; Apastamba I, 5, 17, 23. II. Gautama XVII, 24.
12. Vishnu LI, 38-41. 14. Gautama XVII, 16.
15. Vasishtha XIV, 37-38. 16. Vasishtha XIII, 1-5. Govinda states that this Sätra has been introduced here, because the purity of one's food ensures
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