1, 5, 8.
22. A woman and a Sudra (shall perform) both (acts) once (only).
23. Now they quote also (the following verse): A Brâhmana is purified by water that reaches his heart, a Kshatriya by (water) reaching his throat, a Vaisya by (water barely) taken into the mouth, a woman and a Sûdra by touching (it) with the extremity (of the lips).
24. 'If (drops) adhere to his teeth, (they must be considered pure) like the teeth, because they are fixed (in the mouth) like the teeth. Let him not sip water on their account in case they fall. If they flow out, he will be pure.'
25. Now they quote also (the following verse): 'If anything adheres to the teeth, (it is pure) like the teeth; and if he swallows (it or) whatever else may be in the mouth (or) may remain after sipping water, (he will become) pure.'
26. (After sipping) he shall touch the cavities (of the head) with water, the feet, the navel, the head, (and) lastly the left hand.
27. If he becomes impure while holding (a vessel) made of metal, he shall put it down, sip water and sprinkle it, when he is going to take it up.
28. Now if he becomes impure (while he is occupied) with food, he shall put it down, sip water and sprinkle it, when he is going to take it up.
29. Now if he becomes impure (while occupied)
23. Vasishtha III, 31-34.
24. The MSS. read in the last pada of this verse, tesham samsrâye sya or va]-kkukifiti. I think samsrâvanåkkhukir iti is the correct reading. 25. Vasishtha III, 41.
26. Vasishtha III, 28-29. 28. Vasishtha III, 43-44.
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