1, 5, 8.
2. The body is purified by water, the understanding by knowledge, the soul by abstention from injuring living beings, the internal organ by truth.
3. Purifying the internal organ (is called) internal purification.
4. We will explain (the rules of) external purification.
5. The sacrificial thread (shall be made) of Kusa grass, or cotton, (and consist) of thrice three strings.
6. (It shall hang down) to the navel.
7. (In putting it on) he shall raise the right arm, lower the left, and lower the head.
8. The contrary (is done at sacrifices) to the manes.
9. (If the thread is) suspended round the neck, (it is called) nivita.
10. (If it is) suspended below (the navel, it is called) adhopavita.
11. Let him perform (the rite of personal) purification, facing the east or the north, (and) seated in a pure place; (let him) place his right arm between his knees and wash both hands up to the wrist and both feet (up to the ankles).
12. Let him not use for sipping the remainder of the water with which he has washed his feet.
13. But if he uses (that) for sipping, let him do it, after pouring (a portion of it) on the ground.
8. 2. Vasishtha III, 60.
7-9. Manu II, 63. II. Vasishtha III, 26. Govinda points out that the word saukam, (rite of) purification,' has here the meaning of 'akamanam,
sipping water. He thinks that the ka, 'and,' which stands after pâdau, both feet,' indicates that other portions of the body which have been defiled must be washed also.
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