1, 2, 3.
6. They do not put any (religious) restrictions on the acts of a (child) before the investiture with the girdle (is performed). For he is on a level with a Sadra before (his second) birth through the Veda.
7. The number of years (must be calculated) from the conception. Let him initiate a Brâhmana in the eighth (year) after that,
8. A Kshatriya three (years) later (than a Brâhmana),
9. A Vaisya one year later than a (Kshatriya).
10. Spring, summer, and autumn are the seasons (for the initiation) according to the order of the castes.
11. (Let him perform the initiation reciting), according to the order (of the castes), a Gâyatri, a Trishtubh, (or) a Gagati (verse).
12. Up to the sixteenth, the twenty-second, and the twenty-fourth (years) respectively (the time for the initiation) has not passed.
13. The girdles (shall consist of a rope) made of Muñga grass, a bow-string, (or a rope) made of hemp.
14. The skins (shall be) those of a black antelope, of a spotted deer, (or) of a he-goat.
15. The staff shall reach the crown of the head, the forehead, (or) the tip of the nose, (and be made) of a tree fit for a sacrifice. The details have been stated above.
6. Vasishtha II, 6; Gautama II, 1. 7-9. Vasishtha XI, 49-51. 10. Apastamba I, 1, 1, 18. 12. Vasishtha XI, 71–73.
13. Vasishtha XI, 58-60. With this and the next two Satras the words according to the order of the castes' must be understood.
14. Vasishtha XI, 61-63. 15. Vasishtha XI, 55-57. The details referred to are to be
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