I, 1, 2.
13. The inhabitants of Avanti, of Anga, of Magadha, of Surâshtra, of the Dekhan, of Upâvrit, of Sindh, and the Sauvirâs are of mixed origin.
14. He who has visited the countries of the) Ârattas, Karaskaras, Pundras, Sauviras, Vangas, Kalingas, (or) Prânūnas shall offer a Punastoma or a Sarvaprishtha (ishti).
15. Now they quote also (the following verses): "He commits sin through his feet, who travels to the country of the) Kalingas. The sages declare the Vaisvânari ishti to be a purification for him.'
M., sindhur vidharani, the boundary-river,' which occurs also in the parallel passage of Vasishtha. The Dekhan and Gugarât MSS. read vikaranî or vikaranâ, and the two copies of the commentary visaranî. The sense of these various readings appears to be the river that vanishes or looses itself,' i. e. the Sarasvati.
13. This and the following two Satras are intended to show that the customs prevailing in the countries named have no authority and must not be followed. Avanti corresponds to western Mâlva, Anga to western Bengal, Magadha to Bihar, and Surâshtra to southern Kathiâvâd. The Sauvîras, who are always associated with the Sindhians, probably dwelt in the south-west of the Pangab, near Multân. The Upâvrits probably are the same as the Upavrittas mentioned Mahâbhârata VI, 49. But I am unable to determine their seats.
14. The Araitas dwelt in the Pañgâb (Lassen, Ind. Alth. I, p. 973, sec. ed.), and are greatly blamed, Mahâbhârata VIII, 44, 36 seq. The Karaskaras are named in the same chapter of the Mahabhârata as a degraded tribe, but seem to belong to the south of India. The Kalingas are the inhabitants of the eastern coast of India, between Orissa and the mouth of the Krishnâ river. The Pundras, who are mentioned as a degraded tribe in the Aitareyabrâhmana VII, 18, and occur frequently in the Mahâbhârata, and the Vangas belong to Bengal (see Lassen, Ind. Alth. I, 669, sec. ed. ; Cunningham, Anc. Geog. p. 480). Regarding the Punastoma, see Gautama XIX, 7 note; and regarding the Sarvaprishthâ ishti, Taittirîya-samhitâ II, 3, 7, 1-2.
15. Apastamba I, 11, 32, 18.
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