XXVII, 17.
fit for a sacrifice and three evening meals in like manner, and if food given without asking (is his subsistence) in the same manner, (he will thus perform) three fasts.
17. Now if he is in haste to make (himself pure), (let him) subsist on air during a day, and pass the night standing in water; (that penance) is equal to a Pragâ patya (Krikkhra).
18. But if at sunrise he mutters the Gâyatri eight thousand times, he will be freed from all mortal sins, provided he be not the slayer of a Brâhmana.
19. He, forsooth, who has stolen (the gold of a Brâhmana), has drunk spirituous liquor, has slain a learned Brâhmana, or has violated his Guru's bed, will become free from all (these) mortal sins if he studies the Institutes of the sacred law.
20. For unlawful acts, for unlawful sacrifices, and for great sins (let him perform) a Krikkhra and a Kändrayana, which destroy all guilt.
21. Let him add daily one mouthful (to his food) during the bright (half of the month), let him diminish it (daily by one mouthful) during the dark (half), and let him fast on the new-moon day; that is the rule for the Kandrayana (or lunar penance).
CHAPTER XXVIII. I. A woman is not defiled by a lover, nor a Brâhmana by Vedic rites, nor water by urine and ordure, nor fire by consuming (impure substances).
18. Ashtasahasram, 'eight thousand times,' may also mean one thousand and eight times.'
21. See above, XXIII, 44-47.
XXVIII. 1. Is not defiled by a lover,' i. e. does not become irrevocably an outcast, but may be restored to her position after
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