44. 'A thief will have deformed nails, the mus derer of a Brâhmana will be afflicted with white leprosy, but he who has drunk spirituous liquor will have black teeth, and the violator of his Guru's bed will suffer from skin diseases.'
45. Property received from outcasts, after forming alliances with them either by (teaching) the Veda (and by sacrificing) or by marriage, must be relinquished. Let him not associate with such (men).
46. It is declared in the Veda that (he who has associated with outcasts) becomes pure by reciting the Samhità (of his Veda), proceeding in a northerly direction and fasting.
47. They quote also (a verse) to this (effect), ‘A sinner is liberated from guilt by tormenting his body, by austerities, and by reciting the Veda; he becomes also free by bestowing gifts. That has been declared in the Veda.'
CHAPTER XXI. r 1. If a Sadra approaches a female of the Brâhmana caste, (the king) shall cause the Sudra to be tied up in Virana grass and shall throw him into a fire. He shall cause the head of the Brâhmani to be shaved, and her body to be anointed with butter; placing her naked on a black donkey, he shall cause her to be conducted along the highroad. It is declared that she becomes pure (thereby).
44. Manu XI, 49; Vishnu XLV, 4, 5, 6. 45. Vishnu LIV, 28.
46. Manu XI, 194. XXI. 1-5. Gautama XXIII, 15. Krishnapandita reads, instead of pråsyet, he shall throw,' prâsyet, and explains it by dâhayet, he shall cause to be burnt. It must be understood that these
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