dred ploughs were tied (to the yokes) in the sowing season. Then Bhagavat, in the morning, having put on his raiment and taken his bowl and robes, went to the place where the Brâhmana Kasibhâradvâga's work (was going on). At that time the Brâhmana Kasibhâradvâga's distribution of food took place. Then Bhagavat went to the place where the distribution of food took place, and having gone there, he stood apart. The Brâhmana Kasibhâradväga saw Bhagavat standing there to get alms, and having seen him, he said this to Bhagavat:
'I, O Samana, both plough and sow, and having ploughed and sown, I eat; thou also, O Samana, shouldst plough and sow, and having ploughed and sown, thou shouldst eat.'
'I also, O Brâhmana, both plough and sow, and having ploughed and sown, I eat,' so said Bhagavat.
Yet we do not see the yoke, or the plough, or the ploughshare, or the goad, or the oxen of the venerable Gotama.'
And then the venerable Gotama spoke in this way:
'I also, O Brâhmana, both plough and sow, and having ploughed and sown, I eat,' so said Bhagavat.
Then the Brâhmana Kasibhâradvâga addressed Bhagavat in a stanza :
1. 'Thou professest to be a ploughman, and yet we do not see thy ploughing; asked about (thy) ploughing, tell us (of it), that we may know thy ploughing.'
(75) 2. Bhagavat answered: 'Faith is the seed, penance the rain, understanding my yoke and plough, modesty the pole of the plough, mind the tie, thoughtfulness my ploughshare and goad.
(76) 3. 'I am guarded in respect of the body, I am
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