XX, 11.
II. We shall declare below (the penance prescribed for) him who extinguishes the sacred fire.
12. He who has forgot the Veda (by neglecting to recite it daily), shall perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days' duration, and again learn it from his teacher.
13. He who violates a Guru's bed shall cut off his organ, together with the testicles, take them into his joined hands and walk towards the south ; wherever he meets with an obstacle (to further progress), there he shall stand until he dies.
14. Or, having shaved all his hair and smeared his body with clarified butter, he shall embrace the heated (iron) image (of a woman). It is declared in the Veda that he is purified after death.
15. The same (expiation is prescribed if the offence was committed) with the wife of the teacher, of a son, and of a pupil.
16. If he has had intercourse with a female (who is considered) venerable in the family, with a female, friend, with the female friend of a Guru, with an Apapâtra female, or with an outcast, he shall perform a Krikkhra penance during three months.
17. The same (penance must be performed) for eating food given by a Kândâla or by an outcast. Afterwards the initiation (must be performed) once more; but the tonsure and the rest may be omitted.
11. See below, XXI, 27.
12. Vishnu LIV, 13. 13. Gautama XXIII, 10. 14. Gautama XXIII, 9, II. 15-16. Gautama XXIII, 12. 16. Krishnapandita explains sakhîm, a female friend,' by a woman who has affection (for the offender), i.e. a sister and so forth.' Apapâtras are low-caste people, whose vessels must not be used; see À astamba I, 1, 3, 25, note.
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