XIX, 47.
offender. If he causes him to be slain, he destroys sin in accordance with the sacred law.'
47. It is ordained that kings become at once pure (by bathing) when they have done acts causing death. They are likewise (pure while engaged in business) not causing death. Time is the reason for that.'
48. And with reference to this matter) they quote a verse proclaimed by Yama, 'No taint of impurity, forsooth, falls on kings, on those engaged in practising vows, or on those engaged in the performance of sacrificial session (sattra); for (the first) are seated on the throne of Indra, (and the others) are always equal to Brahman.'
CHAPTER XX. 1. A penance (shall be performed) for an offence committed unintentionally.
2. Some (declare that it shall be performed) also for (a fault) committed intentionally.
3. “The spiritual teacher corrects the learned; the king corrects the evil-minded; but Yama, the son of Vivasvat, forsooth, punishes those who offend secretly.
4. And among those (sinful persons), let him who slept at sunrise stand during the following) day and recite the verse sacred to Savitri.
47. Vishnu XXII, 48; Manu V, 94.
48. Identical with Manu V, 93. Those engaged in practising vows' are, according to Kullaka and Krishnapandita, students learning the Veda.
XX. 1-2. Manu XI, 45; Yâgñavalkya III, 226.
4. Among those,' i. e. the sinful men (enasvinah) enumerated above, I, 18; Vishnu LIV, 11.
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