XVIII, 17.
17. Let him not approach a wife of the Sudra caste after he has built the fire-altar for a Srautasacrifice.
18. For a Sudra-wife who belongs to the black race, (is espoused) for pleasure, not in order to fulfil the law.
Chapter XIX. 1. The particular duty of a king is to protect (all) beings; by fulfilling it (he obtains) success in this world and in the next).
2. Those learned (in the sacred law) declare that to be free from fear and pity is, indeed, a life-long sacrificial session (sattra, to be performed by the king).
3. Therefore let him appoint a domestic priest to (perform the rites) obligatory on the order of householders.
4. It is declared in the Veda, 'A realm where a Brâhmana is appointed domestic priest, prospers ;'
5. For thus both (the special duties of a king and those of a householder) will be fulfilled,
6. And (the king alone is) unable (to do both).
7. Let the king, paying attention to all the laws of countries, (subdivisions of) castes (gati) and families, make the four castes (varna) fulfil their (respective) particular duties.
The verse belongs rather to the section on penances, and seems to have been entered here merely because it stood in Yama's text with the other two, and the author, to use a homely Indian comparison, did not disdain to catch a fish, though he went to fetch water.' XIX. 1. Vishnu III, 2.
2. Manu VIII, 306. 3. Vishnu III, 70.
4. Gautama XI, 14. 7. Vishnu III, 3; Gautama XI, 20.
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