XVI, 21.
21. A king will be superior even to Brahman if he lives surrounded by servants (who are keen-eyed) like vultures.
22. But a king will not be exalted if he lives surrounded by servants (who are greedy) like vultures.
23. Let him live surrounded by servants (who are keen-eyed) like vultures, let him not be a vulture surrounded by vultures.
24. For through his servants blemishes become manifest (in his kingdom),
25. (Such as) theft, robbery, oppression, and (so forth).
26. Therefore let him question his servants beforehand.
27. Now (follow the rules regarding) witnesses :
28. Srotriyas, men of unblemished form, of good character, men who are holy and love truth (are fit to be) witnesses,
29. Or (men of) any (caste may give evidence) regarding (men of) any (other caste).
30. Let him make women witnesses regarding women; for twice-born men twice-born men of the same caste (shall be witnesses), and good Sudras for Sudras, and men of low birth for low-caste men.
31. Now they quote also the following verse): A son need not pay money due by a surety, anything idly promised, money due for losses at play or for spirituous liquor, nor what remains unpaid of a fine or a toll.
32. 'Depose, O witness, according to the truth; expecting thy answer, thy ancestors hang in suspense;
28. Vishnu VIII, 8; Yâgñavalkya II, 68; Manu VIII, 62-63. 29. Yâgñavalkya II, 69.
30. Manu VIII, 68. 31. Vishnu VI, 41; Manu VIII, 159 ; Yagñavalkya II, 47.
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