XV, 7.
his kinsmen, announce his intention to the king, make burnt-offerings in the middle of the house, reciting the Vyâhritis, and take (as a son) a not remote kinsman, just the nearest among his relatives.
7. But if a doubt arises (with respect to an adopted son who is) a remote kinsman, (the adopter) shall set him apart like a Sudra.
8. For it is declared in the Veda, 'Through one he saves many
9. If, after an adoption has been made, a legitimate son be born, (the adopted son) shall obtain a fourth part,
10. Provided he be not engaged in (rites) procuring prosperity.
mâmsa II, 51; Dattakakandrika II, II. To the king,' i.e. to the person who holds the village, either to the king of the country or to the feudal chief (Thâkor) who holds it under the sovereign.
Reciting the Vyâhritis,' i. e, saying with the first oblation Om bhah svâhâ, with the second Om bhuvah svâhâ, with the third Om svah svâhâ, and with the fourth Om bh., bh., sv. svâhâ ; see Vyavahâramayûkha IV, 5, 42. A not remote kinsman, just the nearest among his relatives,' i. e. a boy as nearly related as possible, in the first instance a Sapinda, on failure of such a one, a Samanodaka or a Sagotra.
7. Dattakamimâmsa II, 18; Dattakakandrika II, 11. "If a doubt arises,' i. e. if the adopter afterwards feels uncertain regarding the caste or other qualifications of his adopted son. "Set him apart like a Sadra,' i.e. shall neither have him initiated nor employ him for any sacred rites.
8. Dattakakandrika II, II.
9. Colebrooke, Mitâksharâ I, 11, 24. Dattakamimâmsâ X, 1; Dattakakandrika II, 11 ; V, 17. For the explanation of the term a fourth part,' see Colebrooke, Mitâksharâ I, 77.
10. "Rites procuring prosperity,' i. e. Sraddhas, expiatory rites, &c. See also above, III, 71, and Gautama XI, 17. According to Krishnapandita the estate is in this case to be divided equally between the legitimate son and the adopted son. An entirely
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