XIV, 37.
30. With reference to this (subject) they quote also some verses proclaimed by Pragâpati, 'A Brâhmana shall not eat clarified butter or oil which drips from the nails (of the giver). Yama has declared such (food to be) impure; (to eat it is as sinful) as to partake of cow's flesh.'
31. But fatty substances, salt, and condiments proffered with the hand do not benefit the giver, and he who partakes of them will eat sin.'
32. Let him give, therefore, such substances placed on a leaf or on grass, but never with his hands or in an iron vessel.'
33. For eating garlic, onions, mushrooms, turnips, Sleshmântaka, exudations from trees, the red sap flowing from incisions(in trees or plants), food pecked at by crows or worried by dogs, or the leavings of a Sudra, an Atikrikkhra (penance must be performed).
34. (Let him not drink) the milk of a cow that is in heat, nor of one whose calf has died,
35. Nor that which cows, buffalo-cows, and goats give during the first ten days (after giving birth to young ones),
36. Nor water collected at the bottom of a boat.
37. Let him avoid wheat-cakes, (fried) grain, porridge, barley-meal, pulse-cakes, oil, rice boiled in milk, and vegetables that have turned sour (by standing),
33. Vishnu LI, 34, 36; Gautama XVII, 32–33. Regarding the Atikrikkhra penance, see below, XXIV, 1. 34. Vishnu LI, 40. For other explanations of the term san
ow that is in heat,' see Apastamba I, 5, 17, 23; Vishnu LI, 40.
35. Vishnu LI, 39. The Sûtra implies that the milk of other animals must not be drunk under any circumstances.
37-38. Vishnu LI, 35, 42.
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