XII, 31.
19. Silently let him swallow the entire mouthful, (introducing it into the mouth) with the four fingers and with the thumb;
20. And let him not make a noise (while eating).
21. Let him approach his wife in the proper season, except on the Parva days.
22. Let him not commit a crime against nature (with her).
23. Now they quote also (the following verse): "The ancestors of a man who commits an unnatural crime with a wedded wife, feed during that month on his semen. All unnatural intercourse is against the sacred law.'
24. It is also declared in the Kathaka, (When) the women (asked) Indra, “ May even those among us, who are soon to be mothers, (be allowed to) cohabit with their husbands," he granted that wish.'
25. Let him not ascend a tree. 26. Let him not descend into a well. 27. Let him not blow the fire with his mouth.
28. Let him not pass between a fire and a Brâhmana,
29. Nor between two fires;
30. Nor between two Brâhmanas; or (he may do it) after having asked for permission.
31. Let him not dine together with his wife. For it is declared in the Vagasaneyaka, His children will be destitute of manly vigour.'
19. Krishnapandita thinks that this rule refers to the first five mouthfuls only.
21. Vishnu LXIX, 1. The Parva days are the eighth, fourteenth, and fifteenth of each half-month.
25–27. Gautama IX, 32. 28. Âpastamba II, 5, 12, 6. 30. Apastamba II, 5, 12, 7-8. 31. Satapatha-brâhmana X, 5, 2, 9; Vishnu LXVIII, 46.
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