X, 20.
7. Let him beg food at seven houses which he has not selected (beforehand),
8. (At the time) when the smoke (of the kitchenfire) has ceased and the pestle lies motionless.
9. Let him wear a single garment,
10. Or cover his body with a skin or with grass that has been nibbled at by a cow.
11. Let him sleep on the bare ground. 12. Let him frequently change his residence,
13. (Dwelling) at the extremity of the village, in a temple, or in an empty house, or at the root of a tree.
14. Let him (constantly) seek in his heart the knowledge (of the universal soul).
15. (An ascetic) who lives constantly in the forest,
16. Shall not wander about within sight of the village-cattle.
17. Freedom from future births is certain for him who constantly dwells in the forest, who has subdued his organs of sensation and action, who has renounced all sensual gratification, whose mind is fixed in meditation on the Supreme Spirit, and who is (wholly) indifferent (to pleasure and pain).'
18. (Let him) not (wear) any visible mark (of his order), nor (follow) any visible rule of conduct.
19. Let him, though not mad, appear like one out of his mind.
20. Now they quote also (the following verses) : There is no salvation for him who is addicted to 7. Vishnu XCVI, 3. 8. Vishnu XCVI, 6; Manu VI, 56.
9. Vishnu XCVI, 13. It is very probable that the single garment mentioned in the Sätra is, as Krishnapandita thinks, a small strip of cloth to cover the ascetic's nakedness.
12-13. Vishnu XCVI, 10-12. 14. Manu VI, 43, 65. 20. I read 'ramyâvasathapriyasya,' with the majority of the MSS.
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