VIII, 11.
11. (A householder) shall be industrious in reciting the Veda, offering sacrifices, begetting children, and (performing his other duties).
12. Let him honour visitors (who come) to his house by rising to meet them, by (offering them) seats, by speaking to them kindly and extolling their virtues,
13. And all creatures by (giving them) food according to his ability.
14. A householder alone performs sacrifices, a householder alone performs austerities, and (therefore) the order of householders is the most distinguished among the four.
15. As all rivers, both great and small, find a resting-place in the ocean, even so men of all orders find protection with householders.
16. As all creatures exist through the protection afforded by their mothers, even so all mendicants subsist through the protection afforded by householders.
17. A Brâhmana who always carries water in his gourd), who always wears the sacred thread, who daily recites the Veda, who avoids the food of outcasts, who approaches (his wife) in the proper season, and offers sacrifices in accordance with the
11. I agree with Krishnapandita that the word and used in this enumeration serves the purpose of calling to mind that there are other minor duties. The three named specially are the socalled three debts ;' see below, XI, 48.
12. Vishnu LXVII, 45; Gautama V, 38-41. 13. Vishnu LXVII, 26.
14-17. Vishnu LIX, 27-30; Manu VI, 89. • 15. Identical with Manu VI, 90.
14. Who always carries water (in his gourd)' (nityodakî) may also be translated, who always keeps water in his house);' see A pastamba II, 1, 1, 15. Who always wears the sacred thread'
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