VII, 15.
15. Let him avoid to sleep on a cot, to clean his teeth, to wash (his body for pleasure), to apply collyrium (to his eyes), to anoint (his body), and to wear shoes or a parasol.
16. (While reciting his prayers) he shall stand in the day-time and sit down at night.
17. Let him bathe three times a day.
CHAPTER VIII. 1. (A student who desires to become a householder shall bathe, free from anger and elation, with the permission of his teacher, and take for a wife a young female of his own caste, who does neither belong to the same Gotra nor has the same Pravara, who has not had intercourse (with another man),
2. Who is not related within four degrees on the mother's side, nor within six degrees on the father's side.
3. Let him kindle the nuptial fire.
15. Gautama II, 13.
16. Vishnu XXVIII, 2-3. The prayers intended are the socalled Sandhyâs, which are recited at daybreak and in the evening.
17. Gautama II, 8. "Three times a day,' i.e. morning, noon, and evening. Krishnapandita thinks that he shall perform three ablutions at midday.
VIII. 1. Vishnu XXIV, 9; Gautama IV, 1-2. Regarding the bath at the end of the studentship, see Vishnu XXVIII, 42, and Professor Jolly's note.
2. Vishnu XXIV, 10; Gautama IV, 2.
3. Vishnu LIX, 1, and Professor Jolly's note. The fire intended is the grihya or smarta, the sacred household fire, which according to this Sätra must be kindled on the occasion of the marriage ceremony, while other Smritis permit of its being lighted on the division of the paternal estate.
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