IV, 13.
13. The south, forsooth, is the region sacred to the manes.
14. After they have gone home, they shall sit during three days on mats, fasting.
15. If they are unable (to fast so long), they shall subsist on food bought in the market or given unasked.
16. It is ordered that impurity caused by a death shall last ten days in the case of Sapinda relations.
17. It has been declared in the Veda that Sapinda relationship extends to the seventh person (in the ascending or descending line).
18. It has been declared in the Veda that for married females it extends to the third person (in the ascending or descending line).
19. Others (than the blood-relations) shall perform (the obsequies) of married females,
20. (The rule regarding impurity) should be exactly the same on the birth of a child for those men who desire complete purity,
21. Or for the mother and the father (of the child alone); some (declare that it applies) to the
14. Vishnu XIX, 16; Gautama XIV, 37. 15. Vishnu XIX, 14.
17. Vishnu XXII, 5. 19. Gautama XIV, 36; Paraskara Grihya-sûtra III, 10, 42. Others than the blood-relations,' i. e. 'the husband and his relatives.' The MSS. have another Sûtra following this, which Krishnapandita leaves out. Tâska teshâm, and they (the married females shall perform the obsequies) of those (i. e. their husbands and his Sapindas).' It seems to me very probable that the passage is genuine, especially as Pâraskara, Grihya-sûtra III, 10, 43, has the same words.
20. Vishnu XXII, 1.
21. Gautama XIV, 15-16. The Sätra ought to have been divided into two.
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