is uncovered, the fire (of passions) is extinguished : therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!
(19) 3. 'Gad-flies are not to be found (with me), -so said the herdsman Dhaniya,—'in meadows abounding with grass the cows are roaming, and they can endure rain when it comes: therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!
(20) 4. '(By me) is made a well-constructed raft,'—SO said Bhagavat,— I have passed over (to Nibbâna), I have reached the further bank, having overcome the torrent (of passions); there is no further) use for a raft: therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!' (21)
5. 'My wife is obedient, not wanton,'—so said the herdsman Dhaniya, 'for a long time she has been living together (with me), she is winning, and I hear nothing wicked of her : therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!'
(22) 6. My mind is obedient, delivered (from all worldliness), '—so said Bhagavat,—it has for a long time been highly cultivated and well-subdued, there is no longer anything wicked in me: therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!
(23) 7. 'I support myself by my own earnings,'—so said the herdsman Dhaniya, "and my children are (all) about me, healthy; I hear nothing wicked of them : therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!' (24)
8. 'I am no one's servant,'--so said Bhagavat,with what I have gained I wander about in all the world, there is no need (for me) to serve: therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!'
(25) 9. 'I have cows, I have calves,'— so said the herdsman Dhaniya.— I have cows in calf and heifers, and I have also a bull as lord over the cows: therefore, if thou like, rain, O sky!'
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