IV, 4.
of) the Veda that (a Sudra) shall not receive the sacraments, 'He created the Brâhmana with the Gâyatri (metre), the Kshatriya with the Trishtubh, the Vaisya with the Gagati, the Sudra without any metre.'
4. Truthfulness, suppression of anger, liberality, abstention from injuring living beings, and the procreation of offspring (are duties common to) all (castes).
5. The Mânava (Satra states), *Only when he worships the manes and the gods, or honours guests, he may certainly do injury to animals.'
6. 'On offering a Madhuparka (to a guest), at a sacrifice, and at the rites in honour of the manes, but on these occasions only may an animal be slain ; that (rule) Manu proclaimed.'
4. Vishnu II, 17.
5. Mânavam, 'the Mânava (Satra),' means literally 'a work proclaimed by Manu' (manunâ proktam). It is probable that the work referred to by Vasishtha is the lost Dharma-sûtra of the Mänava Sakhâ, which is a subdivision of the Maitrâyaniyas, and on which the famous metrical Manava Dharmasastra is based. The words of the Sätra may either be a direct quotation or a summary of the opinion given in the Mânava-sútra. I think the former supposition the more probable one, and believe that not only Sätra 5, but also Sätras 6–8 have been taken bodily from the ancient Dharma-sâtra. For Satra 6 agrees literally with a verse of the metrical Manusmriti, and at the end of Sutra 8 several MSS. have the word iti, the characteristic mark that a quotation is finished, while the language of Sætra 8 is more antiquated than Vasishtha's usual style. If my view is correct, it follows that the lost Mânava Dharma-sûtra consisted, like nearly all the known works of this class, partly of prose and partly of verse.
6. Identical with Manu V, 41; Vishnu LI, 64; and Sânkhâyana Grihya-sâtra II, 16, 1. I take pitridaivata, against Kullaka's and Krishnapandita's view, as a bahuvrihi compound, and dissolve it by pitaro daivatam yasmimstat, literally such (a rite) where the manes are the deities. The other explanation, '(rites)
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