IV, 18, 3.
1. At that time a number of Bhikkhus, companions and friends of each other, entered upon Vassa in a certain district of the Kosala country. These Bhikkhus, living in unity, and concord, and without quarrel, had found a comfortable place to dwell in. Now those Bhikkhus thought: 'Living in unity, &c., we have found a comfortable place to dwell in. If we hold Pavâranâ now, (other Bhikkhus) might come on a journey, having held their Pavaranâ, (and might occupy this place); thus we should lose this place which is comfortable to dwell in. Well, what are we to do?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
2. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, a number of Bhikkhus, companions and friends of each other, have entered upon Vassa in a certain district. These Bhikkhus, .... (&c., § 1).
'If these Bhikkhus think : “Living in unity, .... (&c., § 1, down to :) thus we should lose this place which is comfortable to dwell in," I allow, O Bhikkhus, these Bhikkhus to agree upon pavâranâsamgahal.
3. 'And you ought, О Bhikkhus, to agree upon it in this way: Let them all assemble together. When
1 Literally this word means, we believe, Keeping back one's own Pavâranâ.' Buddhaghosa says: "When the decree of pavaranâsamgaha has been issued, the Bhikkhus (who have issued it) ought to live as in the rainy season. Incoming Bhikkhus are not allowed to take possession of their places of rest. On the other side, they ought not to interrupt their Vassa residence.' [13]
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