IV, 17, 2.
they should have finished their Vassa residence. Now those Bhikkhus heard: In our neighbourhood other Bhikkhus, &c. Well, what are we to do?'
They told this thing to the Blessed One.
2. 'In case, O Bhikkhus, a number of Bhikkhus, companions and friends of each other, enter upon Vassa in a certain district. In their neighbourhood other Bhikkhus, .... (&c., § 1). I prescribe, O Bhikkhus, that those Bhikkhus hold Uposa tha twice or thrice on the fourteenth day (of the half-month) in order that they may be able to hold Pavâranâ before those (other) Bhikkhus. If those litigious, contentious, ....(&c., 1) Bhikkhus approach that district, let the resident Bhikkhus, O Bhikkhus, quickly assemble and hold Pavâranâ; having held Pavâranâ, let them say to them: “We have held our Pavâranâ, friends; do you do, Sirs, as you think fit.”
3. 'If those litigious, .... (&c., § 1) Bhikkhus come to that residence unexpectedly, let the resident Bhikkhus, O Bhikkhus, prepare seats (for them), get water for the washing of their feet, foot-stools, and towels ?, then let them go to meet them, take their bowls and their robes, and offer them (water) to drink; having thus looked after those Bhikkhus, let them go outside the boundary and hold Pavâra nâ; having held Pavâranâ, let
1 In this way, when the inimical Bhikkhus are arriving about the time of Pavâranâ, the resident Bhikkhus count the day which is the thirteenth or fourteenth to the other Bhikkhus, as the fifteenth, and thus they are enabled to finish their Pa vârana before they can be prevented.
3 See I, 6, 11.
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